Call to Courage- Aug. 18, 2017

By Michael Dauphinee / / courage / empathy / leadership
There is a power in empathy.
A child doesn’t require lessons in selfishness. Our drive to self-focus is hardwired. But emapthy is the key that sets true leaders apart.
We need people who understand the reality of others. We need those who will step into the pain of the few. We need champions of hope who clear paths for the broken to walk on.
We need you.
~Michael D
This post has touched the depths of my soul. I became a strengths coach to make the world better – how idealistic of me!!! I know that I am answering God’s call but in my humanness I often wonder about the switch I have made from a very experienced financial and operational consultant to this new career that requires the learning of significant new skills and self-disciplines. Leave it to you, Michael, to remind me why it is worth it!! Thank you, Kathy Houston