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Welcome to my new blog.  

It’s a new site, a new day and feels like a new me.  Don’t really know why I feel new, I just do.  I’ve had a blog before.  It was my sporadic musings from time to time.  My first company, The Dauphinee Group Inc., has a blog.  Mostly because I was told companies should have blogs.  Not great, but it has been a place to curate the content of others.  I still have hopes for what that could be, but today, it’s not there.

This blog is different. 

This blog’s about me. 

The year I turned 30,  I walked away from a successful career at Hewlett-Packard.  I needed to do something else.  Had no idea what, I just had this phrase in my head:  “People should go to bed at night better, because I woke up in the morning.”  

I thought I’d change the world.  But the biggest change was to my world.  

This journey, taking risks, challenging myself, confronting my fears, my raging insecurities and all the things I was afraid to tell people, has exceeded every possible dream.  This adventure has also broken and healed me in ways I couldn’t have even been able to articulate when I started out. 

In 11 years, I’ve learned about my strengths.  Seen my naked fears.  Started a couple companies.  Convinced people I was a consultant and coach.  Travelled to exotic locations all over the world.  Written a book.  Screwed up repeatedly and often.

I’ve loved some people really well, treated some people poorly and tried to be a fully authentic, people-pleasing, egomaniac all at once.  And to my shock, people started coming along for the ride.  This is the travel journal of that adventure.

I’m passionate about a few things.  Relationships, I believe we need to earn the right to influence each other.  Identity, only people who understand their “talent, purpose and passion” can navigate the insanity of this life well.  And Courageous Action, it’s all just talk until you do something.

So, those are the themes of this blog.  But you’ll find the content will be all over the place.  Sometimes it will be a deep and brooding essay about something I’m feeling.  Other times it will be about a TV show that moves me. Sometimes just about a great meal I had in a far-flung war zone.  Who knows.  I hope the themes anchor the content, but more importantly I want risk and authenticity to permeate each post.  Changing the world is hard.  It’s lonely.  It’s scary in ways you can’t imagine until you do.  I want you to know that you’re not alone.  But to do that, I need to be honest.  Completely honest.  I need to NOT be perfect.  I need to inspire but also console.  I’m a deeply flawed person who has been loved well and that love has cultivated a dream of serving the world.

So there it is.  I hope you find something in these posts that you can relate to.  I hope you discover things inside yourself you didn’t know were there.  You’re not alone, we’re in this together. 

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Honored to be included in your day. 


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