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Where do you want to go?

Do you like where your life is headed? Yes or No? Don’t read on.  

Actually ask yourself the question. Do you like the direction of your life?

Can you answer it?

Your life is headed somewhere.   The choices you’re making create a trajectory.  But too many of us don’t have a vision for our lives.  We’re stressed running and live life making decisions one street light to the next?

You have to dream.  It’s not an aspiration it’s a necessity.  If your life has no direction, it’s because you have no vision.  Too often we blame resources and opportunity for our “stuck in neutral” coasting, when the problem is we have never picked a gear.

If you don’t have a vision of the “you”  you want to be, you’re not navigating your life, you’re wandering through it.  

I may be able to convince you that dreaming is important but knowing how to dream is even harder.  We are a people who have forgotten to dream.  I’m not talking about the frivolous, cotton candy puff dreams we are sold online.  We have forgotten how to dream of a life of substance that impacts your health, wealth and relationships.

We can’t be “anything” we want to be but we can be the very best “Us” we can be.  

Dream of that..

When you establish a vision for your life:

Decisions get clearer (Do they move you toward or away from your vision?)

Life has momentum (The power of anticipation.)  

Your influence is multiplied. (People draft off your vision.)

It’s time to work on our dreaming.

-Identify your talents: What do you have instinct for? ( If you’d like to buy a code to take Clifton StrengthsFinder reply to this message.)

-Put words to your passions: What cause, audience or project moves you emotionally to sacrifice? (There’s a great description of an exercise in Passion chapter of my book Extraordinary.)

-Write down what it would look like for you to live the best of these two things in 5 areas:

  • career,
  • relationships,
  • physically,
  • financially,
  • community.

Think it, speak it and then share it. What if you started today?

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